If you or your partner snores on a regular or irregular basis, you may be wondering how to stop snoring. You’re not by yourself. 44 percent of men and 28 percent of women between the ages of 30 and 60 snore on a regular basis. Snoring is very common among adults over 60 years of age.
Snoring happens when air passes through a partially obstructed airway. Tissues at the head of your airway collide and vibrate, causing you to snore. Snoring is an embarrassment or annoyance for the majority of people. It might get problematic for some and might indicate an underlying health condition. People snore for a variety of reasons. Trying several strategies will help you learn how to stop snoring while sleeping and determine whether you need to see a doctor for the condition.
Home Remedies
These are some simple DIY tips and tricks at home to reduce or stop snoring. Choose the one that suits you well.
1. Sleep on Your Side
The position in which you sleep affects your chances of snoring. People who sleep on their backs, sometimes known as the supine posture, are more prone to snoring. People snore less when they sleep on their sides, sometimes known as a lateral position. Snoring may be caused more by head position than by body position, with persons snoring less when their heads are moved to the side.
If you know you snore at night and usually sleep on your back, consider sleeping on your side instead. If you’re having difficulties retraining your sleeping patterns, consider strategically employing pillows to provide comfort while keeping your body and head on your side.
2. Use a Nasal Strip or Dilator
Internal and external nasal dilators are designed to improve airflow while sleeping. As a result, they may be able to minimise snoring. These devices can be purchased over-the-counter at drug stores or online at reasonable prices.
Nasal dilators are short and flexible strips that apply tension to open the nasal passageways. A nasal strip, also known as an external dilator, adheres to the exterior of the nose via adhesive. It pulls outward as it strives to keep its shape, raising the skin on the nose and opening the nasal passageways. An internal nasal dilator works in the same way, but from the inside. Both types of dilators reduce snoring, but internal dilators are more effective.
3. Use an Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece
There are several dental gadgets available to help with snoring. Because they are larger and stay in the mouth all night, anti-snoring mouthpieces may require more customisation than nasal strips. Anti-snoring mouthpieces are over-the-counter mouthguards that come in two variants.
Mandibular Advancement Devices, or MADs, are a popular type of anti-snoring mouthpiece. These mouthguards are often made to suit your teeth before being altered to move your lower jaw forward. This modest jaw realignment aids in the reduction of snoring.
Another type of anti-snoring mouthpiece is a Tongue Retention Device or Tongue Stabilising Device, sometimes known as a TRD or TSD. This mouthpiece, like a MAD, fits between the teeth. Instead of modifying the lower jaw, it stabilises the tongue. Suction is used in a small area of the mouthpiece to keep the tongue from slipping back into the throat.
Lifestyle Alterations
The above-mentioned home remedies might not be effective for all. Some people snore despite trying all of them. If this is the case for you, it may be time to consider more drastic lifestyle adjustments.
1. Body Weight Loss
Weight loss is one of the primary and most essential therapies for snoring, according to experts. Of course, this advice is only for persons who are overweight or obese. Consider losing weight if you are overweight or obese. Obese people are more likely to snore and develop obstructive sleep apnea. Weight loss in persons with a high BMI improves both snoring and obstructive sleep apnea symptoms.
Make an effort to lose weight in a healthy manner. Crash diets are rarely effective in the long run and can be harmful. Instead, follow a balanced diet and implement good physical activity into your daily life.
2. Try Mouth Exercises
Consider mouth exercises to stop snoring in addition to general exercise. These activities are called clinically as oropharyngeal exercises, and they have been shown to effectively reduce snoring.
Mouth exercises entail moving your tongue and other parts of your mouth repeatedly in order to build muscles in your tongue, soft palate, and throat. Three months of mouth exercises can result in reducing snoring.
3. Stop Smoking
Cigarette smoking is linked to increased snoring. On the other hand, stopping smoking can help with your snoring problem. Of course, snoring is one of the minor side effects of smoking cigarettes.
4. Say No to Alcohol before Bed
Not only does alcohol cause snoring, but it can also cause obstructive sleep apnea in those who do not have the illness. Because the effect of alcohol on snoring and sleep is dose-dependent, start by reducing your intake. If it doesn’t work, try stopping drinking a few hours before bed or consider giving up alcohol entirely.
Surgical Procedures
Snoring can be caused by physical abnormalities that medical practitioners can treat with surgery. Although surgery should be considered a last resort, there are a few procedures that have been shown to improve snoring. The only way to find out if you might benefit from surgery is to consult a doctor.
1. Uvulopalatoplasty
A surgeon uses a laser to remove tissue from the uvula in the neck and the soft palate during laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty. As a result, the throat enables more air to pass through, and the soft palate stiffens as tissue grows where the laser was used.
2. Implants for the Palate
Palatal implants, including laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, are a less invasive surgery alternative for stiffening the soft palate. However, palatal implants are far less contentious.
3. Somnoplasty
Somnoplasty is similar to laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty and palatal implants in that it can be used to remove uvula tissue and strengthen the soft palate. Instead of lasers or implants, somnoplasty alters tissues in the mouth and throat with radio waves.
Sometimes tackling snoring directly is ineffective since it is caused by an underlying medical condition. People with obstructive sleep apnea may snore in addition to other symptoms such as gasping or choking while sleeping, daytime weariness, morning headaches, and feeling unrefreshed upon waking. Consult a doctor if you suspect your snoring is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. A diagnosis and treatment for this problem can eliminate or considerably reduce your snoring while also alleviating other symptoms.